Monday, April 16, 2012

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

For atleast 15 years i have had a bad habit of chewing my hair. I do it when im watching tv, on the computer, driving the car, wherever! So needless to say i have never had long hair and i used to even pull my hair out but ive stopped that scince i got a bald patch. I dont think its a anxiety thing as i mostly do it when im relaxed.

Im sick of having the same hair style..but i cant stop it. Any ideas to help me, i know it sounds like a simple problem but its depresing me.

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

You could put it in your head that chewing your hair is ruining it. Stand in the mirror and look at it. Look at your split ends. Maybe it is only by habit and you dont know that you are doing it. You could chew gum instead maybe?? But it seems because you have had problems with your hair like the pulling out thing, you should see a doctor. It sounds like you might have some subconcious issue with it. But a cut that is really short would help. Like a Bob where it is too short for you to chew on comfortably. Short hair isn't only for boys. Some people think that ladies with short hair are cute!! Good Luck!!!!!

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

wear it in a ponytail and get a just long enough cut so it will fit

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

chew gum

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

try putting it in a ponytail for times u think u r goin to chew it...i know it sounds deppressing cause i have a bald patch also and it depresses me but i learned to get over it...hope this helps! ~~xoxo~~

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

You Might Have A Nerve Condition.

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

well first of all, chewing on ur hair can evolve u into having a hairball in your stomach. (i know gross) but try to make ur mind stay on something else. or chew gum constantly, its better than chewing on ur hair.

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

my friend had the same habit, but then her mom was going 2 cut her hair very short that u cannot even pull it 2 ur mouth

u should tie ur hair back

also try to keep ur hands as far away from ur hair

hope this is good...

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

wear ur hair up and cut it short or just chew gum =]

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

cut it short or up, just make it away from ur face

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

Chew gum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think of your hair.

Or go bold like (it's Britney *****) Yeah she's cool but she wears a wig for now! good luck with your hair hun.

So yeah ummm i like britney do you like her, anybody likes BRITNEY????? she's hot! and she's not.

hahahahahahaa I LOVE LAUGHING! hope you do too.

my grandma chews her wig in the bus! NO NO NO cut you hair short agian! or go BOLD! go BOLD!

Once again GOOD LUCK! Belina %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;i hop this is your name.

I cant stop chewing my hair!!?

ewww. I watched this show once that this girl did the same thing for a very long time and she ended up going to the hospital complaining of stomach pains sooooo they did and xray and found that she had a huge hairball built up in her stomack so they had to do surgery to remove it. She said that she had been chewing her hair but she didnt think she was swallowing it so If you dont want to go through this and dont want scars on your stomach then STOP!!

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