Monday, April 23, 2012

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

Recently I've fallen in love with the emo style of clothing and hair. I am alittle emo myself but not like the sterotypical emo. I don't cut or do things for attenshoin becuase no one would care anyway. (Just to let you know. And not saying that I would if they did care) But i wanted to get and emo hair cut but my hair is curly and i would have to strigthn it everyday. My hair is alread damaged as it is. So what could do to get taht style and not have to striaghten my hair. i was thinking my using headbands but I wasn't to sure. I was also thinking taht having stright hair was aprat of the "look" what do you think?

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

I have long curly hair too. when i use get it cut short i could still get i pin straight if i wanted.

first when you blowdry your hair use a heat activated gel. Got 2 B works really good with my hair. Make sure you dry you hair completely because if you don't the moisture in your hair will make it friz. Get yourself a good hair straightener (some type of flat iron from Sally's Beauty Supply if you have one near you). Separate your hair but pulling half of it up and doing the under peices brfor doing the top. brush your hair as you pull the iron through it. Once you get the section straight, srpay the ends with hairspray and run the straightener through it again anf brush through. once the bottom sections are done, put it in a separate ponytail and do the same with the top. after you are completly done, spray some hair spray in your hand and run it through your hair.

this is the bes way that i have found to do this. I reccomend that you check the forcast before you decide to straighten your hair that day bc if it is goingt o rain, forget the trouble bc you will friz.

need anymore help let me know!!

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

i have the same hair and i hate it! It's not gonna work. Unless you go and permanently straighten your hair, then you can cut it. Hope your emo look pulls off.

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

Keep it curly, its gorgeous like that. Women pay loads to have hair that looks naturaly curly.

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

I don't think frying your hair is worth it to have the same haircut as who knows how many people, but if you really want to, you're going to have to get your hair chemically straightened. Otherwise the bangs will get all frizzy and hard to manage. Go to a hair salon to ask 1) how much the process will cost and 2) if they recommend it for you since you said your hair is already damaged.

But really, you should be happy with the hair you have. Curly hair is pretty, too. Look at how many people get perms.

Good luck.

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

Well, there isn't anything you could do to make it straight that wouldn't be damaging. Depending on how curly your hair is, straightening it could be a huge pain in the butt (I have curly hair and I also prefer it straight). Chemically straightening it is also an option. Which, yes, can be very damaging. But if you're really desperate it helps a lot. There's also something you can do called the smoothing system, which is when it only takes a little bit of the curl out and it isn't as damaging. This makes it easier to straighten/blow out straight. Hope that helped.

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

i would get chemical straightening it works well if you have curly hair i did and my hair looks awesomeand really straight i would get it done by a proffesional though

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

I am a cosmetologist and my best advice to you is go to a salon and have a stylist see your hair. It sounds like after a little strengthening, a permanent relaxer or getting your hair straightened at the salon every few weeks will work fine for you. You do NEED to get a professional opinion on your damage. If you don't have much money, you can go to a hair school in your area. They are half the price, you get more than one opinion from the students, and there will be a few teachers around also and they are the smartest!

I have long frizzy hair curly hair , but i want to do my hair like and emo kid what can I do.?

f#cking dreadlocks!!! yeah!

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