Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do I look good while growing my hair?

Hey guys, I'm a guy (age 15) and I'm planning on growing my hair down to reach atlleast my eyes.

So heres the thing, you know how some peoples hair type makes them look ugly and crazy while there growing there hair long? (mostly guys anyway). Well, I want to do certain hair styles untill my hairs reaches the state I want it at. What styles can I do while my hairs growing? My hairs only about 1 inch right now so I dont really need to do a style right now but later is a different story.

also, since my hairs only 1 inch, how long do you guys think it'll take to grow my hair to reach my eyes? And what can I do to make my hair grow faster?

Thanks lots guys!

How do I look good while growing my hair?

Erm, all I can tell you is to gel it up. I don't know if you'd be into it, but I always found faux hawks cute (the middle is spiked up with gel like a mohawk would be, the rest lies flat). I don't think you can really do more than that with hair that short. And hair grows at a rate of about half an inch per month, so you can probably figure it out from there. Good luck.

How do I look good while growing my hair?

I'm a girl but I know the answer.

You can make a mohawk. Spiked.

Your hair grows about 1/2"-1" a month so that should help you see how long it takes.

You should eat Citrus Fruits and protein with no fats.

How do I look good while growing my hair?

You should let it grow out to your eyes, I love it when guys have bangs down to their eyes or sideswept bangs! Soo hot!

Ok,anyways,back to your question. It'll probably take a few months to grow down to your eyebrows...You can't make hair grow faster.

For a couple hairstyles,all i can really say is gel. You can kind of spike your bangs(or what your currently have of bangs) up. But only your bangs.

Or you can kinda spike some of the hair at the back of your head fading the spikes as your reach the bottom of your neck hairline.

Don't spike all your hair though,to me,i think it seems like a guys using too much gel for,well, a guy.

How do I look good while growing my hair?

No way to avoid looking shaggy while your hair is growing long. Just a fact of life.

About all you can do is comb it and spray it in place as much as possible. If your hair is like mine, it will end up going every which way anyway.

I can't say how long it will take, because everyone's hair grows at a different rate. IIRC, it took about three years for my hair to get long enough to pull back and use a hairband to keep it in place, and my hair was considerably longer than yours when I started.

I've not had a haircut in over five years, and it is now below my shoulders.

One more thing you should be aware of, hair grows faster during the spring and summer than it does during the fall and winter. Some folks say that it is because of more sunlight, but I don't know if that is the reason or not.

Good Luck,


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